- Posters, Kiosks, and other Outdoor Advertisements
- Street Banners
- e-Communications
- Mailed Materials
- Point-of-Purchase Displays and Posters
- Program Guide
- Newspaper, Magazine, and Online Advertisements
- Social Media
What is your perspective of a Healthy Community. As a Raleigh Live Panelist your involvement with the Healthy Communities Walk is shared to over 250,000 cable viewers.
Public Service Announcements fit into an allotted 30-60 second spot into Raleigh Live. Public Service Announcements run in October, November, and December.
Print a copy of the rate card to take to your boss
Print the A La Carte Order Form!Print a copy of the rate card to take to your boss
A La Carte
Meaningfully differentiates your company
Enhances organization credibility and customer loyalty
Improves community connection
Builds employee morale and retention